The Meridian Township Water Division maintains, repairs and operates the water distribution system; which includes 158 miles of water mains, over 12,000 water services, 15,000+ water meters, 15,000+ remote readers, 2,000+ water distribution valves, 1,900+ fire hydrants, 1,900+ fire hydrant valves and two 500,000 gallon elevated storage tanks.
For all water or sewer emergencies, please call our on-call number, 517.853.4911, and leave a message including your name, address, phone number, and a brief description of the problem. You will receive a return phone call shortly, and someone will respond to your address if necessary.
Please call the Township before you call a plumber. If the problem is the Township's responsibility, we will correct it, and you will save the cost of a plumber. The Township does not reimburse plumber expenses unless we authorize the expense in advance.