Does Solar Energy work in Michigan?
A new study from the National Renewable Energy Lab indicates that Michigan could get 45.9% of its current electricity sales from rooftop photovoltaic (PV) or solar electric systems.
Is Solar Energy expensive?
During the past five years the costs of PV systems have gone down more than 50%. A typical installation will pay for itself in 10-15 years and the PV owner will have free electricity for 15-20 years.
What if I move?
Maybe you won’t be in your house for 30 years. A new study from The Appraisal Journal shows that homes with PV are sold at a premium. The average premium for all study areas is $14,329, which is 3.7% of the average house sale price. This means if you move, you can recover your investment.
Are there any state or federal incentives?
There is a 30% federal tax credit available until December 31, 2032. In 2033 it goes down to 26% and in 2034 it goes down to 22%. Battery storage with or without solar is also eligible for the 30% federal tax credit. Go to for details. There are no state incentives.
What is a Distributed Generation Tariff?
Most of the power you generate is used on site at your home. But if you do produce more power than you can use, you give those electrons to your utility and they will give you a utility bill credit at about half the rate that they charge you. Typically a solar system will generate extra power and bills credits during the summer and the homeowner will use those bill credits during the winter when the solar system produces less power. You cannot have a solar electric system that would provide more power than you use on an annual basis.
How do I know if I have a good site for solar?
A southern orientation and little or no shading is best. PV systems produce approximately 10 watts per sq. ft. You can make a rough estimate of how big a system you could have on your roof or in your back yard.
What if I have a bad site?
If you don’t have a good site, you could consider investing in a community solar project. Lansing Board of Water & Light and Consumers Energy have community solar programs. These programs let you lease a solar panel for 25 years and you get bill credits based on the electric production of your panel.