The highest priority of the Communications Department is to provide residents with an increased access to transparency in governance with relevant information in a timely fashion. The Department is responsible for coordinating a strategic and comprehensive effort to inform the public of the Township’s goals, plans, activities and events through various multimedia platforms including web, digital and print. The Department oversees, creates and coordinates the writing, publication and production of all communication products – printed materials, photos/videos, website and social media postings generated from the Township. The Department ensures that all media and communications successfully reaches their intended audience.

Other main functions of the Communications Department includes serving as the Local Franchise Authority for nine Public, Educational and Governmental (PEG) Channels in Meridian Township, overseeing the operations and production for HOMTV (Government Access Channel) and CAMTV (Public Access Channel), operating a multimedia television internship training program and providing staff support to the Township’s Communications Commission.

Televised Township Meetings

Communications Operating Policies & Procedures

DAS Documents