The Meridian Township Farmers’ Market will be open on Wednesday, November 24 from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm for their annual Day Before Thanksgiving Market at the Marketplace on the Green (1995 Central Park Drive Okemos, MI).
A variety of local farm foods, baked goods and crafts will be available just in time for the Thanksgiving Holiday. Vendors will feature local and state grown products such as squash, potatoes, onions, pickles, baked goods, apples, cider, beef, pork, ham, lamb, cheeses, spinach, kale, collards, honey, eggs, jams, jellies, breads, buns, cookies, rolls, pies, maple syrup, chicken, soap and seasonal arrangements.
NOTE: Unfortunately, turkeys are not available for pre-order or on Market Day this year.
Weekly Vendor Updates and More Information