Become a citizen scientist and help map important wetlands in Michigan! Vernal pools are small, seasonally-flooded wetlands that provide critical breeding habitats and are important for maintaining healthy ecosystems. Join us for a virtual training on vernal pool ecology, how to identify these unique wetlands and the plants and animals found in them, and how you can monitor them in your area.
Part 1 - Overview of vernal pool status and ecology, their importance to ecosystems, conservation efforts in Michigan including the Vernal Pool Patrol, and how you can get involved.
Register for one of the following dates at the link below.
Friday, March 26, or Saturday, March 27, 2021 9:30 to 11:30 am.
This event is open statewide for volunteers. If you plan to volunteer in Meridian Township and are attending the workshops, please email Emma Campbell at or call at 517.853.4614.