Solarize Meridian 2022, sponsored by the Meridian Energy Team, is an educational program to help Meridian Township residents learn about solar electric systems and purchase solar panels at a discounted price. Meridian homeowners who have purchased a solar system will share their experiences with their neighbors, family and friends during short meetings. The homeowner’s solar installer will also be there to talk about and answer questions about solar equipment, installation, and costs. An Energy Team member will be there to talk about solar basics, federal tax credits and financing.
The final Solarize Meridian Neighborhood Meeting will take place on Saturday, October 1 at 10:00 am. Jim and Connie Detjen, Meridian Township residents, will be hosting the Solarize Meridian meeting at their home located at 2173 Belding Court Okemos, MI.
You can RSVP to Jim and Connie by emailing