
Mob the Roadblock

The Meridian Area Business Association (MABA) has put together this program to encourage additional foot traffic to local businesses along Grand River Avenue. MABA and other members of the community are invited to shop local and patronize businesses along Grand River Avenue that have been negatively impacted. For each local dollar spent, about 70% goes to other local contributions. The business owners employ our local neighbors, maintain properties and provide products/services.

  • 3:00 pm - Playmaker's (2299 Grand River Ave.) The entire commercial retail block should be "mobbed". Shop at Playmakers, Lotte Market, and Peak Performance Physical Therapy until about 3:30 pm, start to check out, and prepare for the next Mob the Roadblock location.
  • 3:45 pm - Pet Supplies Plus (2100 W Grand River Ave.) This is an area that really has struggled to get access due to their location and the intersection being completely closed. Shop Breadsmith, Sugar Berry Frozen Yogurt and Pet's Supplies Plus. Begin checking out at least by 4:15 pm for our last Mob the Roadblock location.
  • 4:30 pm - Dusty's Cellar (1839 W Grand River Ave.) Exit Pet's Supplies Plus heading North on Okemos Road to Central Park Drive, take Central Park Drive to Marsh road and turn right, then follow Marsh Road to Grand River Ave. and turn left. Enjoy drinks and socializing, while supporting a MABA business member.

For additional information or questions about the event, contact Neighborhood and Economic Development Director Amber Clark at or call 517.853.4568.


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